Auto Parts
If you’re looking for auto parts, you have come to the right place! We offer new and used parts such as tires, brakes, shocks, and batteries.
Auto Services
Our services include automotive part inventory search, finding replacement parts, engine and transmissions for sale, and more!
HI-WAY 210 Auto Parts is proud to announce that we have over 1,000,000 parts in inventory! Call us today to talk about what you need!
Offering Auto Parts, Auto Service, and WE PAY CASH FOR CLUNKERS!
Want to save a little money? Looking for a great deal? While we offer many new parts, come check out the prices on our used parts first! Call or stop by HI-WAY 210 Auto Parts today and we’ll help you find the part you need. Our yard is clean, organized, and structured in such a way that makes it easy for our friendly staff to quickly find the right parts for you.